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Since Sony is marketing the Vita as a portable PS3, then you have Sony to blame for the comparison.3DS isn't marketed as a portable Wii U or even a Wii.
Also I have seen many Wii games take hits for not looking like PS360 games so that part is just BS.
" I didn't see anyone comparing Super Mario 3D Land to Galaxy"

"Mechanically then the game is perfect, right up there with the very best of the series. But what stops it from being regarded in quite the same manner as Super Mario Galaxy and the others is the stages. They’re well designed but there’s no thematic link to anything, not even the stages within a specific world. And although they more or less stick to the Nintendo mantra of a new idea on every level they’re rarely as imaginative as anything in Galaxy."

"Super Mario 3D Land isn’t quite on par with many of the forefathers it tries to emulate. It lacks Galaxy’s endless wow-factor, 64’s commitment to being grand and impressive, and the general near-perfection of Super Mario Bros 3’s gameplay philosophy. But it’s still a damn fine bit of jumping action, and one of the 3DS’ very best games. "

Yeah nobody ever compared it to Galaxy at all....