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Well, dear Oksanochka is being an ass here, though this is kinda her job, but that Roth guy... what a hypocrite.


Why everybody mentions sarin? I guess because every average Joe knows what sarin means. But Syria doesn't have sarin as its main weaponized chemical agent in service, it's R-33 (VX/VR clone), which is far-far more lethal. Of course it could produce it, like everyone else. Mentioning possible rebels responsibility for chemattach makes him to pull off old trick by discrediting it as a consipracy theory. Really? Absolutely not possible? But "Assad did that" is accepted with no further arguments. And the best part: "Doesn't represent any goverment... represent the truth"... sure, just like Freedom House :D And after all these we're the bad guys by saying "Nyet" in UNSC (google it up how many times the opposite side has used their "No" on many occasions).

Ok, enough with the rant. Nothing revealing here, but Oksana got him off balance couple of times, he reacted emotionally.