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How are DooM 2 and Quake so far down? They should both be in top 5. Quake invented the coding and technology that allows all multiplayer games after it with dedicated servers to function as we know it, every genre, not just shooters. Not to mention it is surely one of if not the best 1v1 games ever made.  It was also the first game to be played "professionally" with sponsorships and cash winnings available to public.  This list has tons of good games but the order of a lot of them seems completely random as hell. Also, while Half Life is close, Doom 1 is not only the best FPS ever, it is the best game ever period, all time.  Well, their opinion is their opinion I guess.  Also, I would have original UT and Battlefield Bad Company 2 way higher than tons of the games IGN ranked higher.