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@tasty: I could match you game for game comparing first year Wii and PS2 titles all day, but that won't change the fact that you're more focused on Wii ports and shovelware than you are anything else. If your Wii game collection is any indication of the breadth of your Wii experience, you should be playing the good games out there, instead of going mental over the ports and shovelware.

You are aware that RE: CV was a port? Considering that was what this thread is about, it's odd you'd mention it in your PS2 list.

I'd like less ports, more originals too, but that's not how things work. Ports and remakes have been going on for decades. The industry has been getting larger each gen, and also more money-hungry to boot. Shovelware and ports are only going to get more numerous as time goes on(on successful systems at least). Personally, I'll be too busy playing fun games, rather than cataloguing ports and lamenting shovelware.

I do agree that some games are overpriced. But if you feel a game is over-priced, wait for a price-drop or sale(since you're concerned about the price, you must want some of them).

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."