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kingofwale said:
BengaBenga said:
OK I have some thoughts about this:

1) It will be a lot stronger than PS3 and 360 and possibly come close to PS4/next Xbox. Reason: Nintendo always had a technically very competative console and they have enough money for good R&D on this one. Don't forget they had to make Wii this weak because then they could afford another GC like disaster.

2) It will be called Wii-HD. Wii has become a very valuable brand and the HD part makes it very clear what it is. Kinda like with the NES-SNES. It will take 4 more years for HD to be totally accepted and then Wii-HD will benefit from it.

3) It will come with WiiSportsHD. Why sell the best system seller ever as a seperate game and inflate the brand. They'll not produce a new WiiSports game until Nintendo's next console.

 1), They made N64 very "competitive graphically" and it failed, they made GC very "competitive graphically" and it failed. They completely went 180 and made Wii "graphically weak" and it is a HUGE hit. What makes you think they'd go back and make another one that is competitive graphically? It makes no business sense to them.

 2), calling it Wii-HD in 2012 (which is likely time for it to come out), would be no different than calling xbox at this point Xbox-DVD, by that time, HD is no longer the 'next big thing' out there.

in fact, HD is already 'accepted', as stores have finally sold more HD tv than SD ones. (as of last quarter)

3) it's possible they'd include another Wiisport-esque game in the mix. But I'm hoping for more varity and more content. 

the flaw in your logic is that the 64 and GC did not fail because they were competitive graphically.

people dont just say, sweet, the graphics are bad, let's buy it! The wii is a success because of its motion sensing  and its cheaper price, not because it has weak graphics.

so it makes perfect business sense to make the next one graphically good.