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so this post from the same site says it all basicly

12 September, 2013 at 6:25 pm

You know… As someone who actually does very low level (assembly) ram management on controllers with extremely finite resources day in and day out…

I’m getting really sick of all the “RAM EXPERTS” on the internet who in absolute truth are more impressed that one type has a “5″ on it vs the that shitty old one with a “3″.

” unpartitioned ram pool (AMD created it as future tech, and Sony modified it)” gave you away as not having a clue about how the nuts and bolts really work. It’s OK, you’re like 99% of the rest of the internet, hell, you’re like 99% of developers because very few actually deal with ram management past “oh this is too big, I’ll make it smaller”.

Just stop with the hating. They are both going to be fine systems and if you think one console having “better ram” is more important than say a multi-billion dollar cloud/datacenter network you’re just going on about the equivalent of picking your nose.

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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