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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Grandia said:
Its amazing you can give Sonyfanboys legit arguments and they just continue to defend Sony without even trying to consider if the arguments could be legit.

But this is nothing new, it was the same last generation so it is no surprise that the same narrow-minded people who praised back then the pseudo power of the ps3 all the time, will praise this generation the pseudo power of the ps4.

And legit arguments will not do anything to them, you can show them the games which look exactly the same on both systems, even if they look most of the time better on xbox they still will argue that the ps 3 or ps4 is more powerful.

So it is just a waste of time, never argue with a Sonyfanboy it is like to argue with a mentally disabled person or like to argue with a child they obviously have not the mental capacities to comprehend legit arguments or for a real discussion.

The PS3 technically was more powerful than the 360 but created a developer bottleneck for multiplats. This time it will be both exclusives and multiplats looking good. I don't see what the problem is here.

You just agreed with Penello there.