Basically what he said can be summed up as "as usual a few tens percent raw HW performance difference isn't very much by itself, and we can make it look even smaller as we can write better dev tools and better optimised drivers than Sony". most probably he could have added than using wisely that small faster RAM to maximise its hit rate, also the RAM speed advantage of PS4 can be made look smaller. Fine, we can give credit to MS for the results it reached with XB360, but Nelson and Penello should also consider that PS3 was harder to program and it took Sony longer to make better dev tools, so the best games, fully tapping its power came later, but this time Sony with PS$ chose a really simple architecture, actually even smpler than XBOne, so even giving full credit to MS dev teams, their SW advantage shouldn't be as big as when 7th gen started. Anyhow, putting all the PR stuff away, we can agree that real world advantage for PS4 will be smaller than specs one. But as in 7th gen, later 1st party exclusives should be able to show a real power closer to the ideal one.