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Everything in life is Illusion

the choice:
this depends on how much mental impact the fear has on peoples mentality/mind.

Real fear is definitivly not some kind of choice.(fear as entertainment like movies etc .
with zero consequence is something different.
Fear is a form of suffering and can ruin peoples life.The own life or life of others(eg the fear to be punished by your god if you don't punish others for ignoring your gods will etc)
Living beings are trying to avoid suffering,the same with fear.

I'm pretty sure almost all people living in fear or with phobias would pay tons of money to get rid of the fear=if they had the choice they would forget/leave the fear behind for free.

If fear was a choice evil men could not use fear systematically as a weapon to controle other people.

Fear sells,fear makes money.The countless companies and consultants in the business of protect the fearfull
from whatever they may fear know it to well.The more fear,the better the sales.
(daniel gardner-he knows how merchandising works.even war is sold that way)