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Scoobes said:
Ajax said:

Gameplay, always, any game

A game with a good story without good gameplay, should have been a novel or movie.
Games are based on gameplay anyways.
In almost all games the story is of secondery importance, if important at all.

What about WRPGs or adventure games where part of the gameplay is to influence/interact in the story?


Those gameplay elements are mechanics to push a game forward.

A story in a game is the mechanic that keeps the game going. It only, or lets say mainly, glues the levels together.


In almost all genres stories are highly inferior to the 'gameplay': racers, fighters, shooters, platformers, adventure games, action games, puzzle games, music games, almost all genres except rpgs.

So some games, mainly rpgs, have great stories, but even these rpg stories are worthless if the game itself doesn't play well; the battle system is not good, the controls are not good, the world is not engaging/alive/explorable, the character design is not good, the villians are not good, the music is not good, the art design is not good etc.

If a rpg has no good gameplay, the game is not good. No matter how good the story is. You will already have stopped playing before the story gets interesting anyway. Actually, most rpgs don't have great stories at all. Most rpg stories are ok, fun or nice, but not good enough to make a fine novel off.

One rpg that does stand well tall amongst all others is Xenogears by the way. Xenogears story is great literature worthy.


As for adventure games: for example the Uncharted series has a fun story, well done etc, but don't kidd yourself, it's the gameplay, the mechanics and how it all works, that make the series brilliant. And the greatest adventure series of all time, Zelda, does not bear this title because of its great storylines.


There are thousands of good games with no storyline, almost no storyline, a bad or average storyline, or an insignifanct storyline.

But there is not one good game, with bad gameplay and a good story.
