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Oh, wow Gamerankings says Ps3 > Wii! OMG!

I have to sell my Wii to buy a Ps3!

I agree with Max, I'm not sure it's worth wasting my time on you. Writing my entire "why Gamerankings and Metacritic is biased/meaningless post" would be meaningless.

But by your method, you agree that the 360 is minimum 3 times as good, and that you also made a mistake, by buying the Ps3? How many Ps3 games do you own?

Let's go by GR, even though they are biased. You won't accept my point, so I'm proving you wrong in as many cases I can.

If you own 1 game. Sorry PC owners! I screw you over again!

1 game Wii > PS3

2 games Wii > Ps3
3 games: Wii > Ps3
4 games: Wii > Ps3
5 games: Wii > Ps3
6 games: Wii > Ps3
7 games: Wii = Ps3
8 games: Wii < Ps3
9 and out Wii < Ps3

So yes, there are MORE quality titles on Ps3 than Wii, but there are higher quality games on Wii.

Now, if you own a 360, you did, according to GR do a WAY better purchase than the PS3, as you payed a lot less money, and got the better games!

You know what? I tried to keep a nice tune to this thread, and only post facts. That didn't work, because you came in and complained about the Wii in general. You know what? Go to Gamespot.

I mean: "I enjoyed Galaxy, but it looked about the same as Sunshine"

You have got to be freaking kidding me? Have you played Galaxy? Maybe you have, but have you then played Sunshine? What now? Are you going to claim that Brawl looks identical to Melee?

In another thread, you "flamed" Zack and Wiki for being to many random deaths. Surprise! It's better than UT3, Resistance, Rainbow Six Vegas, Warhawk, DMC 4, and GH3. Because it is GR that counts, right?

You also mentioned here that analog stick was better that the scheme for MP3. Why the heck did you buy a Wii?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS