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I'll choose B. When Nintendo make good consoles, they make very very good consoles (and when they make bad ones, they're horrid). Everything from the initial Wii channel experience to the awe-inspiring motion controls in games is so polished. Yes, awe-inspiring. Even when I'm playing a game with bad controls, I'm still gaping in front of my TV in wonder. It's not just a step up, it's a step sideways. Also, it made a fine replacement for my aging SNES.

It wasn't the fact that it was cheaper but that it was the only console that seemed like it was value for money. I looked at the costs of other consoles on the market, without accessories, and really, they were ridiculously priced. I'm not going to get anything out of Blu Ray or HD-DVD on my Trinitron, and I'd rather have spent that kind of money on a decent PC (which I did).