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Mafaveli said:
I bought it because I saw potential in the concept, it isnt quite as revolutionary as thought it would be, but games like MP3 and RE4 (its a good rehash before anyone calls me on it, because of the controls) are a step in the right direction.
besides I have a 360, and im looking at picking up a PS3 when it becomes worth it.

I'm of the same in that I saw potential. The only difference is I have a PS3 and might one day get a 360. Everyone saying that you bought a Wii because of Nintendo loyalty: I assume you all bought N64 and GC as well? Just curious, because otherwise I would think it would be the control scheme which is the only difference between a GC and a Wii (yeah yeah, slight graphics enhancements) besides online features. I've wanted Mario Kart online for a long time.