M.U.G.E.N said:
@SxyxS: yeah. Hopefully we will see at least one more game from SCEJ at TGS too. So far we have Freedom Wars and Over my dead body 2. Actually hope they will at least show freedom war gameplay @Demon: Yeah..I have no idea how a 4th person view actually even work with the camera view. Maybe you don't even play the game :P It plays by itself!
In other news Mighty9 has included more stretch goals and now they are aiming for PS4/Xbone versions of the game as well on the handheld fron this was said http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9/posts/593460 2. Handhelds are still a possibility! Just because you don’t see them in this next set of goals doesn’t mean we aren’t working on this. :) We know many of you have been asking about the possibility of Vita and 3DS versions of Mighty No. 9, so now we know the desire is most definitely there -- what’s left is to figure out if the money and production realities can make this possible. We wish we could say more at this point, but we can say this: There might be other ways to make this happen (besides stretch goals) that we are currently investigating. (Or maybe it will end up being a later stretch goal after all?)
Either way, we hope to have an update of some kind on this by later next week -- and just to be 100% clear, this is not a confirmation we can or will be able to offer handheld versions, only that we hear your feedback here, and there are some interesting possibilities we are busy looking into!
Actually i got a reply to my message:
"Hey,Good question. As you can imagine, we would love to
see Mighty No.9 on as many systems as possible -- and Vita is definitely
on our "wouldn't it be awesome" dream list. We'll be watching fan
feedback and balancing that with projected costs -- but for now the
official line is it's not part of the plan.
Phil (Mighty No. 50)"
I think we have hope... so let's continue spaming :)