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kowenicki said:
BluGamer23 said:
kowenicki said:
Train wreck said:
Mr Khan said:
You're rather reaching for negative Nintendo threads, Sh1nn


There is nothing "reaching" about it.  This is quite important news and you are right to post it.  If you hadn't, then I would have.

The markets have well and truly fallen out with Nintendo.

"The markets have well and truly fallen out with Nintendo." .

lets try saying this again for the 999999999th time .. who knows it may just be true this time!

you dont think its true?

The Wii growth has gone.  The stock is bobbing along at the same levels as it was pre Wii boom in 2004 and 2005.... the stock is down 80% since its peak in late 2007.  But this is all lies apparently....?

Sony is also down 85% since the early 2000 :P

Nintendo stock is extremely volatile though and you know that too. There is hardly any volume on Osaka however once bad news hits, the stock tanks like there is no tomorrow.  What interests me is what their forecast is as of right now. I think they are waiting until Pokemon hits and see how the momemtum goes before they release their revised forecast. It'll be interesting