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kowenicki said:
Th3PANO said:
kowenicki said:
Train wreck said:
Mr Khan said:
You're rather reaching for negative Nintendo threads, Sh1nn

How is this reaching?  You do not think a close to 10% move in a gaming stock is not post worthy?  News like this has been posted countless times since I been part of this site and only now its "reaching for negative Nintendo threads"...tisk tisk.


I guess the stock was initally bid up in hope of being added to the index (early investors adding to positions before fund managers would be required to buy the stock due to the inclusion of the nikkei 225).  With the event not happening, they sold.

Also worrying is that stock has been trending downward despite all the pubic knowledge about its upcoming releases and semi new products.  I am guessing investors are more concerned about competition in the space and lower margins than "Nintendomantion" with Pokemon and Monster Hunter, who would have thunk it.

There is nothing "reaching" about it.  This is quite important news and you are right to post it.  If you hadn't, then I would have.

The markets have well and truly fallen out with Nintendo.

You know, stocks always tend to fall and rise.

You dont know what I do... do you?

Why should I know this lol