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PS4- I plan on getting one early next year around the time Infamous Second Son comes out. PS4 will be my primary system like the PS3 is this gen mostly because I like Sony exclusives better then MS's and has the third party support that Nintendo doesn't have at the moment. Also the PS4 has the best offer being $400 (I don't like using motion controls so the extra $100 for Kinect is not worth it to me.) I love the Indie support so that's a plus for me. the only negative is that I have to pay for online which I play a lot.

Wii U- I plan to get the Wii U this holiday and it will be more like my secondary console. I really just want it to play the Nintendo exclusives (Mario 3D world, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2 and a few eshop games). It'll also be used as a family console that me and my brothers can play together when Smash Bros and Mario Kart release. With the price cut coming soon I will defiantly be buying within a few months.

Xbox One- I don't really plan on buying this soon. I have nothing against the system ( I did before with the original polices but after the 180 the Xbox One is looking to be a great system.) I just don't want to spend $500 dollars on a system with basically 90% the same library that is $400 (I don't plan on ever using Kinect so it isn't worth the extra $100 to me). Also as said before I prefer Sony exclusives better. I will probably pick one up in a few years after a price drop and when games like Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break drop sense those are the only games right now that I want to play.

           Survivor Millennial vs Gen X!!