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Kane1389 said:
TheHunt3r_Orion shard d:
That's exactly the thing. Why are they waiting? They should just talk already right? They can talk already. Or can they? Heavy rumor has it that MS has a nondisclosure agreement with AMD. That agreement ends when AMD talks on September 25th. The next day, MS VP Phil Harrison is at Eurogamer holding a developer conference streamed on Youtube. Hugest coincidence in gaming or maybe, just maybe something is there.

Microsoft scheduled their Eurogamer conference months before AMD even mentioned anything about new technology (I think i was sometime in April). You sir, are trying too hard. 

while i think it's fake i can play along.  try this on for size.  so microsoft supposed to have this secret amd chip.  dont you think if that was the case amd and microsoft would know each other schedules?   you are trying just as hard