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The T.M.I scale was implemented long ago to assure that each and every American could accurately measure their junk.

Straight-forward measurements of a penis size don't really matter. What does matter is:
(Length x Diameter) + (Weight/Girth) all divided by the angle of the tip squared.

This formula gives you the adjusted penis size or T.M.I

The national average of an adjusted penis size is currently 1.5 inches.

However, there has been much dispute as to the correct formula for calculating adjusted penis size. Doctor of sexuality and behaviour, Rebecca Turnade believes the formula to be:

(Length x Girth / Angle of shaft) / (Mass / Width).

This formula has since been the 100% proven accurate formula.

Recent studies have shown there to be a direct correlation between anger and T.M.I

Anger = (Length x Width / Mass ^2 - Shaft Angle) + YAW
Randy has a penis that is 4.4 inches in length
Its angle is 32 degrees
Its flaccid girth is 1 inch in diameter
His balls are 7cm from the base
Randy notes that the drift of his penis is 4cm to penis right, and its dead weight is 4.5kg
Randy has an adjusted penis size of 6.3 inches. Randy's length is 4.4 inches but his T.M.I (adjusted length) is 6.3

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz