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Euphoria14 said:
richardhutnik said:
Euphoria14 said:
snyps said:
You collect doom articles like you collect pre-crash era magazines. You are so obsessed with doom. Let it go man, this aint the bucket list. I know it's hard but you've got to move on.

If it bothers you so much you could just easily leave the thread instead of continually putting down Richard. 

As you have said yourself, you've got to move on.

By the way, I did stick an edit message on top, adding a bit more to it, explaining plug in Microsoft, Sony and so on.  I did have etc... meaning others also in it.

Also, in regards to my said collection, it is more like I bought them back in the day and didn't throw them out. I also think people saying, "Man, stop thinking about doom!" end up missing the point of the state of the industry now, and how people here can end up seeing their hobby end up getting a lot LESS content in it, if things go wrong.  I lived through that era, and saw things went into computer gaming.

I must have missed it. I went back to double check what was said and only read the initial portion which mentioned just Nintendo and Activision. My mistake.

I went back and edited.  Just saying after your post I went back and updated it.  It wasn't that you missed it.  I just had presumed people would bother to see etc... as actually meaning something.  But, as I noted in another thread, I am doubting people read the original posts anyhow.

Also, I did want to clarify about my magazine stuff.  I think I am increasingly becoming an accidental collector.  It isn't like i am trying to collect.  I just want to have stuff I can play and remember playing.  I end up being a collector as a result.  Blech.  I need room.