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noname2200 said:
ListerOfSmeg said:

I think most of us get what you are saying. You hate them, you want them gone, yet you have nothing to show that they will.

I'm not sure that's a fair reading.

JazzB1987 said:

There is 1 huge difference.   Atari  was never BIG.  

This is factually incorrect.

It is amazing what people are reading into things and spinning, to try to justify what they are doing.  Relative to what the videogame indusrty was, back in the day (yes today is much larger), Atari was huge.  People don't want to see that, because it diminishes what could be argued here.  You have one person say that Atari took down the industry, and another who says they aren't that big?  I am getting an impression that I have hit a nerve here. Apparently people don't want to think of Nintendo going the way of Atari.  Is Nintendo's path the same as Atari's?  No.  Can it have issues and end up becoming a non-big player?  Yes.  Analysts have plenty of reasons to think Nintendo has issues, that are sound.  Nintendo MUST somehow get the Wii U to start selling like gangbusters.  Nintendo can't afford to have the Wii U not be dominant.  It is the cheapest console.  To have it not sell well is not good.  It means Nintendo missed the target on what people want, and the second screen wasn't it.  The 3DS is doing it without 3D, so not sure Nintendo has a grip on stuff.

And I await for someone to call me a "stealth Michael Pachter" on here, because of the belief that I somehow hate Nintendo and want them to fail.  Why the heck would I want anyone to fail?  It is not good for the industry to lose a console maker.  If you want to know my bias though, I wouldn't mind Microsoft getting a hurting.  They seriously lost me.  BUT, I own a 3DS (not a Vita).  And I try to base what I am saying on what I see, not what I want to see.  I am under the impression that, given a gray area of uncertainty, you have partisans here spinning things as they will.  I am told I have nothing to show Nintendo could have issues?  Well, people posted plenty and people want to deny.  People are even calling Nolan Bushnell and failed idiot on here, when Nolan knows more than many people on here, even if he is not exactly working in the industry.  

People on here will end up denying everyone over stuff, including the sales numbers looking them right in their faces here.  Look at the sales page.  The Wii U is having problems people.  Yes I am told I want Nintendo to fail, and read about stuff that can just as easily point to Activision as their times can be limited also, but it is straight up Nintendo only.

For those who say there is NOTHING out there I present to shows POSSIBLE issues, here you go:


Want to know what the Wii U reminds me of now?  It reminds me of the Dreamcast, a favorite console in my day when it came out.