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richardhutnik said:
snyps said:
how long did atari last as the no. 1 earner?

They owned the home videogame market from the late 70s until the crash of the early 1980s that took out everyone.  Even at the bottom, they still sold like 1 million 2600 systems.  I still have visions of a guy going into to buy a 2600 at Toys R Us instead of an NES.  They were also king of the arcades to from when Pong went out until the same period of the crash.

Pretty much though, what you saw with Atari is the norm.  Some console dominates on top, then the maker stops dominating.  There are individuals too young to remember this, who ended up presuming that Sony would be on top forever, and the Playstation brand being THE brand.  In this, individuals who don't know this history get a bad case of hubris.

With about every time here, something comes along that people don't see, and disrupts the order of things, just as the Wii did.  Now you are seeing the smart device market playing the role home computers had in the past, and could put a big hurt on things.

So from 1978 or so til 1983... Yeah man that is such a long time.

You really are trying too hard to make your bias opinion seem legit.

You can only show flawed examples of this. Atari wasnt king for more than a generation. Every console after that failed miserable. The Atari of today isnt the same as the Atari back then. The company split between the console division and the arcade division and both went under within 10years. How is this in any way like Nintendo who has been around for over 100 years?

I think most of us get what you are saying. You hate them, you want them gone, yet you have nothing to show that they will. Ataris first console killed the market. The Nes saved it. End of story.

1. Nintendo has many new IPs. just because you refuse to see them doesnt mean they dont exist and takes credit away from you for wanting to pretend they dont exist. Even with their new IPs they remain strong because of existing franchises.

I'm just not going to bother. You have your mind made up and will ignore any fact or even reality itself to try to prove yourself right.


Looking at some of your other post, you havent gotten a single thing correct. Its all just spin without any basis to back it up. What you have to back it up you are either making up or ignoring reality in order to justify it.


BTW all your smart device BS talk also applies to Sony and MS, not just Nintendo. What new stellar AAA IP do they have that will cause them to rise to the top? The 8th killzone? 3 year old PC ports? Charging for online? None of it is new, none of it is innovative.