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archbrix said:
richardhutnik said:
sethnintendo said:
RolStoppable said:
Remember Ghostbusters 2? The Statue of Liberty was controlled with an NES Advantage.

Atari was led by people who had no clue about video games whatsoever and who then were steamrolled by companies who knew what they were doing. Atari had no IPs to survive the storm, because their games couldn't compete in any manner. The Jaguar was the end of their run and Club Drive is symbolic for the quality of Atari as a video game developer.

I'm afraid to admit that I played this game on the Genesis...

I semi enjoyed it but it had terrible controls which made the game more difficult than it should have.  Atari did decent for awhile but they barely had any IPs to themselves and mainly relied on 3rd party companies.

I thought the Sega Genesis Ghostbusters game was actually decent.  Is that the same one you are thinking of?

When the arcades went down, Atari began to seriously fade from the marketplace.  When you lose a console, you increasingly become irrelevant.  Sega is in that boat now, nowhere near what they were when they had a console.  I believe Nintendo would likewise be similar if they ended up not having a console.  Mario would go the way of Sonic without Nintendo having its own console to showcase Mario and others.  Metroid would get lost, as would Zelda.  People just wouldn't care as much at all.  I believe this is a reason why you Nintendo argues against going third-party.

He's talking about Hard Drivin' in reference to Rol's example of Club Drive.

I agree on the Genesis Ghostbusters game though; that game was very cool. I'd buy it on the VC in a second if it ever released.

I see what was written could also refer to that.  I wasn't sure if the NES Ghostbusters was confused with the Genesis version, so I commented.  Also, in regards to Atari, I thought the Atari Ghostbusters was actually good all around, with good writing an acting.  Ok, maybe that is me.

I thought it would be cool to get the Genesis Ghostbusters again, but saw a local retro games store was selling the Genesis version for $50 cart alone.  BLECH!