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Play4Fun said:
richardhutnik said:
Play4Fun said:
Why are people talking as if Miyamoto is keeping Nintendo running? I thought he was training the younger devs nowadays and taking a less...up-front role.

Anyways, when somebody says Nintendo will be around it's just in response to people who instantly shout doom at every little stumble.

They don't literally mean they'll be around "forever." They just mean they'll be around a long time from now because the fact that they makes sure to keep a warchest close to them, have been profitable for the majority of their years, keep their franchises at a quality that continues to keep them in high demand, don't sell hardware at big losses and don't really do the seemingly unsustainable high budget sell-or-bust thing inspires confidence in their future financial state and longevity.

1. Just like Microsoft seems of their game with their top management leaving (since Gates left, Microsoft hasn't been keeping up), Nintendo is going to face issues when Miyamoto retires.  Most of the noted IP at Nintendo that makes Nintendo, Nintendo, is due to him.  He is THAT important to Nintendo and the videogame industry.  You have some exceptions, but the core of what is Nintendo is him.  And I think, if you end up thinking Miyamoto training people means that he is going to impart his own innovation, and genius, something is off there.  That is more of the same.  What is needed is new stuff, that are different and hit the market differently.

2. What Nintendo is facing is the strategy of not selling a console at a large loss means they are producing consoles that don't have a long enough lifespan.  With the WiiU, unless the second screen shows itself as a must have feature, they have their recycling of old IP to lean on.  This is NOT a good place to be in.  To have the 3DS be relevant, Nintendo had to dip in the selling at a loss.

3. Thing is now, they aren't producing the next must-have IP at all.  And when you are here, your days are numbered.  It happened to Atari, and can happen to others.  And if you think this is just about Nintendo, you miss the point.

1. Miyamoto and Nintendo have been preparing for his retirement for a while.  There isn't going to be some mass panic in the company and big dip in quality of their software when he does.

2. I don't know what this means. Their console lifespans usually are the same  as other consoles. That's a place they always know they'll be in. Iwata himself said they count on their IPs to counter the unpredictability of how their hardware will be recieved by the market. They know they take risks with hardware, that's why they always make sure they have  strong cash reserves.

3. Nintendo have a number of must have IPs in their portfolio and they're very capable of creating must have IPs,probably more than anyone else in this industry, as they showed in the last decade with Nintendogs, Brain Training, WiiSports, WiiFit.

And, no I'm not missing any point, this thread is mainly about Nintendo as are the posts from other threads that prompted you to make this one.

1. What you wrote there explains why there is now a clear lack of internally developed new IP that is must have.  Nintendo is recycling their old IP over and over again, and not doing no.  It is 2D/3D Mario, Mario Party, Mario Kart, Smash Bros., Zelda, and maybe Metroid.  There is also Donkey Kong Country.  But where is the new IP?  Where is the big new must have property Nintendo is coming out with?  That is the issue I am talking about here.  It just isn't there.  It isn't like there isn't new IP being produced.  There is Angry Birds, and also Minecraft.  And there are others.  They are NOT coming from Nintendo.  Nintendo is going outside their company to get new IP done, with the likes of the Wonderful 101.

2. On console lifespan, look at the Wii.  Because it is weak tech, it ended up having shorter life than the 360 or PS3.  Companies never really got around to doing much third-party on it either, outside of primarily shovelware.  The Wii U is in a similar boat.  Because it doesn't match the ONE or PS4 in power, companies are only doing Wii U stuff with development on the 360 and PS3.  

3. THIS generation isn't showing any.  The Wii had a new, accessible interface, and got some.  But new stuff?  Where is it?  What is the big new IP on the 3DS and Wii U that is new and must have, that is doing really, really well.  Nintendo isn't putting it out.  Let's Dance isn't their property at all, and is on other platforms.

Also note here, let's say you can read what I wrote as it NOT being a slam of Nintendo, but something else.  What you read it as is this: Where the new IP is coming from is NOT the console makers.  It is coming from small studios and Indie stuff.  It is on smart devices.  That is where the new stuff is popping up, NOT consoles.  This is bigger than just Nintendo.  Things have changed.