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snyps said:
richardhutnik said:
snyps said:
so atari was profiitable for 4 years... and this is comparable to Nintendo how?

You want me to compare profitability of companies as the benchmark?  How profitable was General Motors?  They went through bankruptcy.  They were THIS close to even not being in the videogame business, if they hadn't allowed Miyamoto do do what he did with Donkey Kong, despite management protesting.  I do recommend reading "The Chaos Imperative" on how unpredictability is essential, and how companies define themselves and change.  Heck, Nintendo now isn't who Nintendo was before Donkey Kong.  They do still put out playing cards, but they are noted for video games now, and did a number of other things they aren't doing now. 

What is the story of Nintendo when Miyamoto retires?  And if you are seeing this JUST about Nintendo, you are a Nintendo loyalist who can't fathom things changing.  If you go back to the original post, I didn't just mention Nintendo.  I also mentioned Activision.  This is a general thread about how companies come and go, despite what you think otherwise.  Atari wasn't around forever at all, eventhough people thought they were.  Things got so messed up with Atari, that even Bushnell couldn't save them later as a brand.

I could go on here.  Anyone remember Blockbuster?  Netflix did them in.  

"the snow fade...time and love - THEY GO ON!"

We all pass, that is the natural way of things. But atari is so irrelevant. You should really admit you were wrong to compare them to Nintendo. Sheesh! I just don't think you can admit it.

Again, if you think this thread is about Atair, you completely miss the point.  The thread is FAR more about people who think their company of choice will be around forever.  I named Activision and Nintendo in the original post, as two examples, because people were going "No No No!" that neither one is vulnerable.  By seeing only Nintendo here, you are showing Nintendo as your company of choice.

Point is Atari at one time was NO irrelevant and was synonymous with videogames, as was seen in Blade Runner.  I grew up in that era and remember it.