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Viktor said:

That´s fine if you are happy with old ports since I already played the original ones I was interested in1, obviously I don´t really care about those. There just is no reason to whine about people who actually don´t like where the PSV is actually heading into2. The problem is that even such ports are getting sparce as time goes by and the focus now lies in ports of cheap smartphone games instead of ports of old console games3.

1) I don't know how much either time or money you have on your hands, but right now I don't have too much of either. So I can't say that I played every game I was interested in, if you did... well good for you. But if anything we've learned from E3 and GC is that there's a lot of NEW indie games heading our way. 

2) If I don't like a product, I don't buy a product. If I buy a prodact that I end up not enjyoing as much as I hoped, I'll sell it. There's no reason to waste my time or money, on something that obviously isn't worth either (to me). So if you don't like where PSV is headed why don't you get rid of it, and buy something else that you'll hopefully enjoy more?

3) I don't understand why you are so focused on "cheap smartphone games", but even cheap smarthphone games can be good and with proper input controlls even better. But since SONY founded a new studio that should bring more 3rd party content towards us, i hope that Borderlands 2 is just a start.