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the article is about PS3's growth. so ps3 owners buying Wii's has nothing to do with it. and what research do you want? as PS3's price comes down more people will buy it - thats pretty simple, right? well the "more people" part of the prior sentence includes Wii owners. xbox owners arent as likely to purchase another HD console as wii owners are to buy thier first HD console. and right now the PS3 is the HD console to get, not xbox. thats pretty much the point of the article.

no they didnt define "many wii owners".

its not that complicated, but i can see why wii fanboys would be upset. the article implies that a Wii isnt enough to satisfy some gamers. thats like calling your baby ugly - its going to piss you off. but i see the article as more of a shot at the Xbox and not the wii