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I chose "platformer" as a generic answer, since 4 of my top 4 favorite games of all time are technically 2D platformers (SMB3, Mega Man 2, Kirby's Adventure, Super Metroid). Others like Castlevania 1 and Super CV 4 are up there as well, as is Symphony of the Night of course. What is and isn't a "platformer" gets a little murky, but all in all, most of my favorite games tend to be older 2D platform-ish type games.

However, I also really love older rpgs, such as FFIV-VI, Chrno Trigger, Breath of Fire, etc. I ALSO really love certain racing games, such as Mario Kart, (typically older) Rider Racer, Need for Speed, Cruis'n World, RC Pro Am, etc. I ALSO also love a lot of classic fighters, such as SFII, Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, Tekken, Soul Edge/Calibur, Samurai Shodown, etc.

When it comes to modern games that I like the most......I dunno. Adventure games with a huge world to explore hold a certain appeal. As do 3D action games that have a good camera and actually tight/fun gameplay (which are far fewer than you'd think). Ultimately I don't know that I have a concretely preferred genre for modern games, it's more of what I know for certain I'm not a big fan of , that being most FPS games, most modern RPGs, most GTA type games, most "shoot things with guns" games in general, etc. These days, I suppose it's more of a case by case basis, what actually looks good and what actually appeals to me.