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So my list would go like this:

1. Nintendo 

2. Namco Tales Studio 

3. Kojima

4. Platinum Games

5. Game Freak

I don't think I need to give an explanation for why Nintendo is on the list.  The Tales of games have grown to be my favorite JRPG games, they are just so well made.  The story is almost always amazing, I love the gameplay and the games look beautiful.  Kojima is on the list because of MGS and Zone of the Ender, tbh idk any other games they're known for...I love just about everything about the MGS games, they are my favorite stealth games and I've beaten each one more times than I probably have any other kind of game.  I'm also pretty excited Kojima is making Zone of the Enders 3, the first one was okay, but the second one was great imo.  I love the crazy, over the top games that Platinum Games makes.  My favorite game from them probably has to be Bayonetta and I can't wait til the second one is released.  With so many generic games I feel like their games are a breath of fresh air.

Game Freak is on there because of their newly announced game Soriti Horse!  If you haven't seen it yet here is some gameplay, it will blow your mind:  I can't say enough good things about this game!  I heard they make some game called Pokemon, but I've never seen or tried it.

So what does your guy's list look like?