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There is more

mii-gamer said:
PigPen said:
mii-gamer said:
animegaming said:
anyone remember this little article from colin 2 years ago

oh good shit 

The best article in the internet

You see, Colin Moriarty is just a bias fanboy that works for IGN.  His opinion is no better then yours are mine.

In his defence - his prediction (talking about the op) isn't out of the realm of  the impossible - the only thing stopping the ps4 is how many sony can produce in time for launch

but yeah - colin has proven he is blatantly biased - it will be hard for anyone to take him seriously especially anything concerning nintendo

There is more things stopping the PS4 then how many Sony can produce in time for launch.  The 2DS, 3DS, Vita, Wii, Xbox360, PS3, Wii U, Xbox One will all be competing with the PS4 for sells.  Those consoles will be competing with everything else this world makes come this holiday season.