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I think people misunderstood my point.

Obviously there's no way Nintendo would pack-in a gamepad with WiiParty U but if it was affordable to do so, and Wii Party U supported multi-gamepad play then people would definitely buy this, even if they weren't that interested in Wii Party - just like I'm sure a lot of people bought the Wii Play bundle even though they weren't that interested in Wii Play. It was $10 extra and worth at least that so why not?

While of course there will always be exceptions to the rule, considering Wiimote+ has been out for years now, and logically it'll be far and away Wii owners upgrading to WiiU (not PS360 owners) the need for another WM+ will be no where's need the need for a 2nd controller when Wii Play did this. Which is why I bring up Fling Smash and Wii Play Motions poor sales. There's simply not much remaining demand for another WM+.

Will someone need/want/be willing to get another WM+? Of course! And I'm assuming this game will easily quadruple if not more Pikmin's sales. How is this hating?

My point, is that Wii Party U would sell more copies if it was availabe for $25 or $30 without the WM+ (obviously if it was the same price anyone would get it with and resell the WM+ controller) as well as the bundled version. Probably an additional million or two.