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S.T.A.G.E. said:

Come on now, bro. This is really starting to get out of hand. the resources third party would have to allocate to not only down port  badly to the Wii U, and lower the scale of their games and graphics. but they would also have to come up with their own resources to create a secondary experience for the controller. Within the next year and a half there would be no point. To boot they would have to have even more resources to invest exclusively into the Wii U's controller. No, bro.....just no. You've got to open your eyes and see who is forcing who to do what, when they've already had a plan of what to give to their fanbase for a while. Console makers should only be so lucky to get third party titles on their console. Third parties had to bend over backwards for Nintendo and their wishes in the 80's and 90's. That all changed when the HD twins came into the industry. No one has to bend over to Nintendo any longer. Look up Nintendo's history, its is not third parties forcing them to bend but Nintendo not working with them.

1. I'm not a "bro".

2. Again, once again, I am well versed in Nintendo's history, and don't need to be told to "look it up".

3. Third parties may well have had to "bend to Nintendo's will" during the NES era, but the fact of the matter is, the NES also MADE companies like Capcom, Squaresoft, Enix, Konami, Hudson Soft, etc. as notable names in this industry. The NES was selling far above and beyond anything else on the market, mainly due to Nintendo's own groundbreaking games of the time, Mario, Zelda, and Metroid, etc. And the third party devs got to enjoy the fruit of that success, by having a wide audience that made famous such franchises as Mega Man, Castlevania, Adventure Island, Bomberman, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest/Warrior, etc. It works both ways. This largely continued in the SNES era. Third party devs didn't "leave Nintendo" until the cheaper-to-produce CD medium came into play. It wasn't the HD twins at all, in fact Nintendo had great success that generation.

4. Not every company is obligated to use the GamePad screen for anything more than off-tv play (which surely can't take THAT much time or money to throw in), or maybe a map screen (same deal). Not everyone HAS to make innovative use of it. Just the same as not everyone that developed games on Wii/DS/3DS HAD to make use of their special features. They're there to use, it's not an obligation. Some of the best Wii and DS games made no real use at all of the Wiimote or touch screen.

5. Everything you're trying to say (despite the condescending tone) is all well and good, except for the fact that you're ignoring what my comment you're replying to actually said. Gearbox by themselves are a fucking joke. Just look what they did (or paid someone else to do) with Aliens, a game I personally was highly anticipating until it turned out to be utter shit. And by the way, Gearbox played up the Wii U version the entire time during it's development cycle, saying it would be the best version, and they never once mentioned how horrible it was they had to spend extra resources doing the GamePad stuff, in fact, all they could talk about was how cool they thought the GamePad was, and how cool using it as a motion tracker, etc. was going to be awesome for Aliens. They WERE developing a Wii U title, which already puts the lie to their BS about "why we don't make Wii U games", but it got cancelled after the other versions of the game were such utter trash that it wasn't worth putting it out.

Gearbox have never been a very good developer, and that fiasco just pointed out the mess they really are. As for Bethesda, they have cred with PC gamers for being a long-time PC developer, but they have continually proven themselves incapable of making good console ports of their games. They also almost ruined the Fallout franchise with Fallout 3, it was the original-ish developers coming in and making the far superior New Vegas that saved it. Bethesda are far better than Gearbox, but they still don't exactly have clout as "great" developers, because their games always have so many goddamn bugs and issues that constantly need to be patched. All in all, you claimed they were "respected developers", but when it comes to home consoles, no, they're not. Which is why I said it was laughable to say that. They are the last two developers I would ever trust on any opinion of home console hardware.

And beyond that, I have heard far more developers, especially indie devs who aren't completely full of PR bullshit, claim that Wii U's hardware was just fine to work with. Of course it'll be weaker, but the devide between Wii and PS3 was FAR bigger than the divide between Wii U and PS4 will be. This gen is all about scalability, as the Xbox One is also weaker hardware than the PS4, so a developer making an engine and scaling it to each console, won't be ALL that much different than making a PC game with scalable graphics settings. It's not like the Wii where a developer would have to make an entirely separate SD version of the game. The Wii U's GPGPU is actually fairly modern and strong. It may be weaker than the PS4 or One's, but again, we're talking about a similar difference in PC graphics cards here. It's not going to be the issue you say it will. It's simply a matter of the console itself selling better and getting a wider audience, to bring that third party support back. Which is going to happen. That's not "blind fanboy logic", it's just common sense.