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I'll just completely reinvent my list.

1. X (Wii U)
I don't think I've ever been so excited for a game.
2. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U)
This game has a very good shot of being Wii U's best exclusive in 2013.
3. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS)
Turns out I was right after all. The overworld is the reused, but the other world is original content. Could be the best handheld Zelda that isn't Link's Awakening (which is untouchable).
4. Super Smash Bros. 4 (Wii U)
Exciting, but I need more gameplay videos. And the hype train isn't as amazing as Brawl's.
5. Pokemon X/Y (3DS)
My hype is slowly dying. Will pick up again shortly for release.

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
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