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ethomaz said:
fireburn95 said:
This system seems rushed that a couple months before release they are clocking cpu speeds and gpu speeds (I have no idea what that means tbh) but I wouldn't be shocked if xbox one has a similar over heating problem to the original 360, i mean i could cook raw meat when mine would overheat.
Since the specs are soo similar to ps4, i wonder if sony could boost speeds post launch

They need to... the gap in specs is bigger than what they expected.

So in resume we have: 53Mhz in GPU and 150Mhz in CPU.

About your question... the boost is less than 10% so it will be fine.

Is that an actual fact or another one of your opinions? It's just as likely that MS played it safe to begin with and then realized they could increase clock speeds later on without the console over-heating. That theory just doesn't fit your agenda as well, though.