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Kane1389 said:


You have any links for that. Thats pretty insane. Whats the point of the fucking disc then??? You must be wrong, there's no way anyone would be this stupid

Disc is too slow... that's the biggest issue... both PS4 and Xbone will have full installations this time.

"We also have final confirmation on the optical drive utilised - a 6x CAV Blu-ray unit. CAV stands for Constant Angular Velocity, meaning that the disc spins at the same rate no matter where the reading head is. This means that data contained on the outer edge of the disc is read in much faster than that contained on the inner portion. This was much more of a big deal for current-gen games (which mostly run from disc) as opposed to next-gen where hard drive install is mandatory. In order to make the experience as friction-free as possible, games will load the absolute minimum and then "stealth install" the remainder onto the hard drive in the background as you play."

Like I said the issue is the slow blu-ray reads