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It could happen.
And it is a cool idea.
The reasons I think they won't move to a future setting is because Zelda has moments where it can be very Steampunk already. It goes from herding goats to future cities in the sky. (Final Fantasy has taken this to an extreme... what year is it? Who klnows?)
So technically, they can keep the setting in Hyrule old school and you can still get your "future" look in dungeons, towns, etc.

But I think another feasible difference may be the story told from a different angle. A game where you don't play as Link, but that is still the main story and not a side quest.

They really can do a lot with that. Say Link is dead and its 30 years after TP.
The story can follow soldiers that defend Hyrule, his young friends from previous games, even follow Midna's quests in the Twilight Realm. Something along those lines.

And that is just using the TP storyline. They can go anywhere with it.

Personally I'd like to see a new villian and a new hero.
Have Zelda and Link be side characters.
Have Ganon make a cameo and such.

That's all I got =)

Predictions For Last Full Week of Sales in 2010)

WII - 80.35 Million

360 - 43.88 Million

PS3 - 41.40 Million

More terrible predictions coming Jan. 2011!!!