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If someone who never made a game on a Sony platform made these comments about PS4, the people lining up to agree with them wouldn't be doing so now.

How anyone can suggest a company that has never released games on a Nintendo platform, probably never owned a dev kit etc, knows what they are talking about is beyond me other than it goes along with their hate of anything Nintendo.

You don't know the audience isn't there if you never released a game on it to see.
If you don't own a dev kit you don't know how powerful the console is because you never worked on it.

I use to play a lot of Bethesda  years ago but all they do is release the same game with a different setting and it got old fast. Borderlands was good but that is all I know of Gearbox.
Of course whether or not what they say has any real merit, many will jump on this as complete fact simply because it goes along with their personal feelings about them. They hate Nintendo and take anything they can to use against them. Its sad but some people really are that pathetic that they will believe anything as long as its negative.

A few devs have said this and then when they actually got a hold of the hardware realized how wrong they were and made comments saying the opposite.