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Kane1389 said:

And you know this how?

They don't, of course. It's an automatic assumption because it's what they hope to be true. Because if it turns out that Sony is offering a comparable device that would only add $60 to the price of the PlayStation 4, which would still make it cheaper than the Xbox One, then that damages their ability to justify the added cost of their own preferred platform. Especially now that more recent articles are pointing out that the Kinect is actually not 1-to-1 for reflecting player movement in the game like Microsoft originally claimed. It means that now the ability for people to choose whether or not they want the camera is not as simple as, "I'm okay with the Kinect being a required purchase and the Camera not being one because the Kinect does more and much better". That claim is turning out to be further from the truth than some suspected.

It's also because of the money that went into the Kinect that they believe it to be so much better. However, they need only look to the over 100 million dollars spent designing the new controller, adding very little in the process, to see that Microsoft can blow a lot of money for marginal improvements and even what some would consider to be small steps back based on some feedback of how the controller actually feels. Mind you, I'm not bashing Xbox One fans. They have plenty of reasons to be satisfied with their future purchase. I just hate watching people deceive themselves to justify something when they don't have to because that usually requires them to directly or indirectly bash the competition and its fans.

As far as core games go, the Kinect really never added anything more to the experience than voice commands. Some third party games, like Mass Effect, used this from time to time. The Kinect 2.0 is looking like it will be in the same boat for core games. The difference now is, where something like that was only available to Xbox fans, now Sony fans can toss out the extra cash if they want something like that for their version of the game. Even though the PS4 does not come bundled with such a device, it is still an option and the XOne does have that in every box. So I find it very likely that any third-party developers who create multiplatform games with voice commands will make that possible for both platforms. In a way, Microsoft putting the Kinect in every box could very well have the effect of helping Sony sell more of its Camera now that voice commands are confirmed.