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spemanig said:
Sony said the same thing with the PS3. No profit until 2011. I do think that the XBO is worth $100 more than the PS4; I just don't think that the mass market will care.

I mean they will eventually, and I think the XBO will eventually overtake the PS4, but saying that the XBO will have a rough start is beyond an understatement.

Q: Let's jump right into the price. Why is it so high?

A: I don't know that it's high for the kind of value that we're bringing into the hands of the consumers. If you look at technology that we've put into the box this time with the Cell processor, combining that with the fact that it'll play games on Blu-ray discs as well as motion pictures and other software, the ability for it to go onto an online environment right out of the box, the Wi-Fi capabilities, the fact that it interacts with the PSP in many different ways, the fact that it is backwards compatible with PlayStation 2 and PlayStation titles.




You add all that, and on top of that you layer on the compelling entertainment content that we'll be bringing to the console, I think makes for a great value proposition.

The company has also taken heat from fans for the PS3's price. A fully loaded unit will sell for $599. Sony executives say the console is worth it. "If it was all about price, then we'd all be driving Hyundais and we'd all be watching $199 TVs," shrugs Jack Tretton, executive vice president of Sony Computer Entertainment America.