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Sqrl said:
stephen700 s
See above posts

The toshiba spurrs engine is a cut down CELL with 4 SPU's at 1.5Ghz to keep power low for laptop's while the CELL in PS3 is 7 SPU's at 3Ghz and the RSX GPU is probably also more powerfull than the GPU in the toshiba laptop too. Yes the PS3 is cheap but the CELL is quite capable of this application with plenty of processing power to spare ( One researcher claims voice recognition of 100's people simultaneously on just one CELL processor!).

FYI the digital mirror it's far more than a simple 2d coloriser. It does a complete 3D capture/reconstruction of a persons face and renders it as a 3D model, it also allows it to be modified it's complete real time 3D face capture and render system.

Software wise the digital mirror /and other research projects may be far from being packaged in a form which would allow developers to use them in games but the hardware in the PS3 is fully capable of supporting it if they wanted to right now. ( PS3 CELL is a popular with researchers who do intensive calculations )

Why dont we see this in games then ?? good question - my answer >>>

Games developers do not seem to take advantage of new research like this. Voice recognition for example is rarly if ever used in console games ?? yet many companies use voice recognition /synthesizer systems to answer customer phone calls etc. Games developers are very slow to recognise or take advantage of new software techniques like this even if they are quite possible to do.

The most innovative thing i have seen from a game developer lately was UT3 on PS3 allows the use of a mouse. WOW they must have worked overtime to get that feature to work and gave themselves a pat on the back - talk about innovative NOT.

Regarding using 4 points for tracking on the Wii -actually would need 4 points ON 3 independent planes for full 3D tracking and if any became obscured or mixed up it would loose track so such a helmet would be rather awkward looking and probably need at least 6 or more points.

Sorry i gave the impression that Wii head tracking is useless this is not my intention - it's is a usefull idea even with 2 points, it's simple and usable for some things.

However what ps3 eye could do for gaming on the PS3 is far more interesting and far greater posibilities than what an IR point tracker can do.

Thumbstick controllers are a very poor way to interact with a computer game IMHO and game developers are very slow to innovate. I am all for better ways to interact with computers like face recognition, voice recognition , head traking , motion sensing controllers , etc

It's pretty sad when games developers are so backwards they would rather the player remember various buttons to have their character say something when they could instead do Voice recogniton on machines like the PS3 , Xbox360 and mabey even the Wii.


PS3 number 1 fan