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RolStoppable said:
Nyleveia said:

1) Post history doesnt (or at least, shouldnt) be a deciding factor on the cause of bans, unless deciding between temp or permanent.

2) thats entirely a matter of opinion, also there are multiple bluetooth/wired gamepads available for android and ios devices should you not want to use touchscreen exclusively - there are plenty of great looking android games that dont cost a single penny due to their f2p nature.

3) Again, a matter of opinion, but even if the express intent WAS to bash the game, i see other users doing the same, in much more obvious ways and not receiving a ban or any sort of action against them.

4) Whats disturbing is that you yourself are trying to tie this to being about a specific console or manufacturer when it isnt, my issue was entirely with a user being banned for what was, in relative terms to the kind of thing other users frequently get away with, a tame post at best, but if you want to try and tie it to it being "simply because its a nintendo console" then by all means give examples from this very thread where you came to this conclusion, because frankly it seems like youre just pulling that one our of your arse.

1) I said moderation history. This site uses a progressive system which means users get warned the first time, banned for a day the second time, banned for three days the third time etc. The user in question had been warned before, so the logical next step was a one day ban.

2) It's not a matter of opinion that one game is more complex than another when the games in question are so far apart from each other when it comes to complexity. Using a controller for Soulcraft wouldn't change the nature of its very simplistic gameplay. You might as well say that Space Invaders and Halo are very comparable in what they offer.

3) It's not so much a matter of opinion anymore when a moderation history already exists. Not all moderatable posts get reported, hence why you'll never see all of those posts getting moderated. Feel free to give me examples of posts that should have been moderated.

4) It doesn't take much effort to read the bias of a poster out of his posts. I've pegged you down as someone who hasn't a favorable opinion of Nintendo (for your posts in this thread and others) and I think you wouldn't have made such a fuss about this incident, if the insult was directed at a game on a non-Nintendo platform. I've seen such things plenty of times before, like when people came to the rescue of EA for not supporting Nintendo, but when EA took a dump on non-Nintendo platforms with their questionable business practices, there was nobody who spoke up and said that people should stop calling EA names.

Everyone has a bias towards one particular platform over another, however assuming my post which focused on the validity of a ban only was driven exclusively by the platform the game said user was banned for commenting on is an extreme stretch and a poor rebuttal to prop up an agenda.

I could sit here and talk shit about w101 all day long but that would be entirely down to personal opinion of a single game - I do not dislike any game purely based on the console it is exclusive to, if that were the case I would not have bought a Wii U in the first place.

Its just a poor angle of attack basically, I defended the user because I felt the action was unjust, nothing more nothing less, people just have a hard time accepting that because they're oversensitive.