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Carl2291 said:
iamdeath said:

They are relevant...sorry to burst your bubble. MS can talk about core all they want, when Sony can cram a game, Eye camera and a controller the the same price as a core x1, that's vale and significant. You saying it is irrelevant doesn't make it so. It is obvious what package has more value and is more enticing for the consumer.

Kinect being bundled only adds value to those who want kinect, I think is useless and a gimmick so why would it add vale to me? Can't sell it it's a part of the xone.

PS3 bundles arent relevant in a discusion about the PS4 and the Xbox One... And yes, the French Amazon bundle has more value than the core Xbox One American bundle.

It also doesnt matter if you want Kinect. Its in the box. It adds to the value of the overall package. If you dont see the value, thats your problem. The value is there like it or not. This isnt a subjective thing.

They are relevant when the competition can offer a lot more for the same price, sorry that's simpy economics. You are dillusional if you think American and Canadian bundles are not coming, EB games here already told me thay are. The US is not the world, where the bundle is offered is irrelevant.


Who said anything about ps3 bundles? That is a PS4 bundle LMAO.


It also matters if I want kinect or not, as it's the reason I and others are not getting the x1 for awhile if ever. Again, the consumer determines what is VALUE for them, not MS, that again is simple economics.  If the consumer doesn't see added value, they don't period.