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curl-6 said:
Nyleveia said:
curl-6 said:
Nyleveia said:
curl-6 said:

It's all about context. His remark was clearly bashing, and that doesn't fly here.

The reason VGCharz is as good as it is is because bashing is not tolerated, unlike other sites where it runs rampant and turns the forums into a cesspool. It's better this way.

You essentially bashed ios/android games by seeing the comparison as a negative right off the bat without inquiring for further clarification, regardless of the posters original intent, to make a judgement call without being sure is just silly. its not a matter of context its a matter of perception, what youre essentially saying is "you can have an opinion as long as you dont express it".

But if you want to play the rules, then by all means explain to me why expressing your view about a game is banable without any sort of clarification saught, but creating a thread to essentially "bash a game based on its sales" is somehow okay?

You again made a judgement call on the game, essentially bashing it and calling it a gargantuan flop in this threads very title, before the game even went on sale in the US.

Based on that, Either the both of you should be banned or neither of you, you dont get to pick and choose.

I didn't bash the game. (The tone of my OP was expressing displeasure in its unfortunate chances)

He did. As such, he was banned,and rightly so. On a forum, a well run forum, you either play by the rules, or suffer the consequences. (Or leave)

Again, let me point it out to you.

You make a htread saying a game is going to be a flop

He makes a comment saying the game looks like a dollar ios/android game (which it does, regardless of if he meant so in a technical sense or even if he meant so in a derogatory manner),  going on about how youre just expression your displeasure doesnt make it better, at least you had the chance to expand upon it - he was banned outright without ability to expand on his initial post, which is stupid.


But for the sake of the argument, lets break down your op.

"Japan: Only 30,000 copies being shipped, severely capping its sales." - nothing wrong here, supply and demand potentially limiting sales.

"Europe: Forget about it, at this point you'd have to pay them to touch a Nintendo game." - ill mannered assumption that europeans wont buy it simply because its a nintendo game - making this assumption is stereotyping, not a million miles away from reffering to a group of people as "fanboys".

"US: Launching 3 weeks late for no good reason, which never helps sales, and launching 2 days before GTA5." not much wrong here except "for no good reason" - everything has a reason, they would not delay a release for shits and giggles.

"All regions: New IP, niche game, mixed reviews." - nothing wrong here.

"Brace yourselves guys, new ammo for "Wii U iz doom3d" is coming. *Waits out the storm in his bomb shelter made of unsold Wii Us, playing Need for Speed Most Wanted U and Pikmin 3*" - Assumptions of reactions to the news you posted, basically showing that you know the thread would attract attention for all the wrong reasons, (read: flame baiting).then additionally flaming the wiiu with your "shelter made of unsold wii us"

Sure, you may have said some of those things as a joke, but you said them non the less and didnt expand upon them, he said the game looks and plays like a ios/android game - visually i see no reason to dispute his observation, and if he feels the gameplay is similar too, then thats his judgement and opinion.

essentially he was banned for expressing his opinion about a game, just people are oversensitive around here and trigger happy when someone says something they dont agree with.

It was an unjust ban upheld and supported by oversensitive forumers, i seriously doubt mr kahn will admit it, especially if its only a 24 hour ban as it can just "blow over and go away on its own"

So what can we take from this? if you have a particular opinion about a game that doesnt sit well with others, expressing that opinion will get you banned, even if you havent actually said anything all that harsh.

It's very clear from his tone that he "meant it in a derogatory manner".

Difference is, my statments in the OP were largely tongue in cheek. I wasn't bashing.

Just semantics, but tone is something that does not carry over text, sarcasm rarely carries over in text and maintains the same "tone" as spoken word - but ill spell it out, yet again - he made a statement, which is not bad worthy, you may call it bashing but compared to some of the things said on this forum at times by other people - was pretty damn tame, as such i fail to see why it was worthy of a ban.

We do not know his tone, nor do we know if he was joking, as nobody asked him, he was simply banned - nobody asked for clarification - mr khan, and you, made a snap judgement call on a statement which would at best be seen as a "synical opinion" - you can keep saying "blah blah rules, blah blah trolling/bashing, ban was deserved", doesnt change the fact that the ban was not deserved.

"For a game that looks/plays like a $1 android/ios game"

The most frustrating part in this debate is that no matter how much you repeat that hes trolling or bashing, his observation is CORRECT regardless.

Go take a look at soulcraft or dungeon defenders 2, or any other decently made action rpg and youll see striking similarities across the board, from the half assed menus to the clunky control, W101 is essentially a retail tablet game for WiiU.