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Captain_Tom said:

Dude the information is everywhere I mean come on.  Hell I'll oblige you a little.  Here is the difference between the GPU's:

-Cores: 320 vs 1152

-Speed: 550MHz vs 800 Mhz

-Bandwidth: 12.8 GB/s vs 176 GB/s

-Manufacturing process: 40nm vs 28nm

(Smaller is better, generally AMD's 28nm architecture in the PS4 is 1.6x faster than the same card manufactured in the 40nm architecture)

The PS4 has 3.6x as many cores running 1.5x faster on a architecture that is 1.6 times faster clock-for-clock.   3.6 x 1.5 x 1.6 = 8.6.  Then throw in the fact that the PS4 has 14x the memory bandwidth and can send multiple instructions per cycle and it should be obvious how much the PS4 steamrolls the Wii U.  


First of all,  the facepalm worthy math that you pulled out of nowhere (  3.6 x 1.5 x 1.6 = 8.6) that I've never seen used anywhere in all my years of seeing console power arguments on forums and reading hardware power analysis articles on sites such as digital foundry...Thanks for showing us all how easy it was all the time. You are a true visionary with this math you just created out of thin air to calculate the power difference between consoles.

You stated that PS4's memory bandwith (176 GBps) is 14x faster than Wii u's  (12.8 GBps) but you conveniently failed to account for Wii U's 32 MB of embedded DRAM.

Also,they can all send multiple instructions per cycle.