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Goatseye said:
iamdeath said:
Goatseye said:
Killer Instinct,Forza,Titanfall,Kinect Rivals,Ryse etc... look and promise more success than anything Sony has to offer.

Ryse, Kinect rivals, Killer instinct? look beter then shadow fall, Infamous? Yeah OK, no one is taking you seriously.


Sony still has their biggest games to announce, MS blew their wad early.


Rime looks better then anything on x1,  see, two can play this game.

In a slick move you removed Forza out of there, cool.

Shadowfall will be another tech demonstration like it's predecessor and most likely won't convince you guys look at the sales.

Infamous probably will launch when Titanfall comes out and you know what's gonna happen when the most rewarded game of E3 launches.

Rime? Is that the next Def Jam Rapstar?

?? How do you know these things? You played KZ? IGN and others disagree


Titanfall launching won't effect anything, Infamos will be huge for ps4 gamers. It won't effect Sony just like halo and gears never mad any diff to games on the PS platform thats doesn;'t even make sense. Sony will havre announced uncharted and other big games by this time and no one on Ps4 will care about titanfall which I can play on PC.


Your entire arguemnt is "Everything on Ps4 is not good, Everythign on X1 is". Sorry, you simply have NO WAY of knowing what any of these games are like. You are slightly biased there dude.


The peope are speaking and even in the US, they want PS4 more not X1, that is a fact.