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Forever because it's not happening lol especially not now. Someone get the "I told you so" champaign ready for next year.

I knew Nintendo had a relaunch planned. I still predict a Wii Fit U and Super Mario 3D World Bundle. Do that and market the hell out of this, and they'll literally outshine the competition. Always let them think they're ahead before you strike and strike hard.

The Nintendomination is has started, and it shall spare no casualties.

Sony: We have one million pre-orders.

One for each of our troops.

Nintendo: We have a Hulk:

3.6 million starting install base.

New Wii U Zelda Bundle + New 2DS + Pokemon X/Y + Free online = Still cheaper than the Xbox One.

New Wii U Zelda Bundle + Free online = $100+ cheaper than the PS4.

Vita: I'm so glad I finally got a price cut! :) Now my sales can finally pick up!

Nintendo: Lets release a new 2DS for $70 cheaper than the Vita on the same day as Pokemon X and Y, the latest edition to the most powerful handheld franchise in the world and the second best selling video game franchise of all time, because WHY THE FUCK NOT?


I rest my case.