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Why is this a big deal? Nintendo found a way to make producing the 3DS cheaper, charge less for it, and make more money off of it, so they did.

They're took out the 3D to make it cheaper. They took out the fold to make it cheaper. It's called a 2DS because that's the obvious thing to name it. The name is also a marketing tool. It's called the 2DS so anal parents can be less anal. It just happened to also be one of the features that didn't need to be there. It looks like a tablet. Kids like tablets. Moms like cheap things. Everybody wins.

In other words, they figured out a way to make more money, so they're doing it. This has nothing to do with being creative. It has to do with being a company.

Also, it effectively just killed the Vita:

Vita: I'm so glad I finally got a price cut! :) Now my sales can finally pick up!

Nintendo: Lets release a new 2DS for $70 cheaper than the Vita on the same day as Pokemon X and Y, the most powerful handheld franchise in the world, because WHY THE FUCK NOT?