badgenome said:
All of the 3DS' commercials show off playing console style games (OoT, Luigi's Mansion, Lego City) on the go. Nintendo is bringing many of its titles to both Wii/Wii U and 3DS (DKCR, Smash Bros, Sonic Lost World, etc.). Nintendo even built its latest home console around the same second screen/touch screen scheme as its handhelds. Dunno why Nintendo is fighting so hard to make Moffitt's analysis wrong. |
Lol. Take a look at some of Nintendo's commercials. They actually do not show off people playing console style games on the go. In fact, in almost every commercial they have, people are playing the 3DS around the house. So, that's wrong on the "on the go" part. Also wrong on the console style game part. OOT certainly was a console style game... you know, like 15 years ago. Console style games are a bit different these days. Personally, I believe OOT 3D is a bit of a gray area. Not quite large and complex enough to stand up on a modern console (at least not as a full retail release) but not quite right for portable either. Luigi's Mansion is structured very differently on the 3DS than it was on the Gamecube. It's broken into about 15 minute chunks while the GC one was one continous mansion. Haven't played Lego City for 3DS.
As for Nintendo bringing games to Wii U and 3DS, not exactly. Sonic Lost World isn't a Nintendo published game. So, that's on Sega. With Smash Bros, it awaits to be seen how Nintendo differentiates the two. I'll give you DKCR. So, there's one.
In the last 12 months, (retail only) Sony has published 6 cross platform titles on the Vita (Epic Mickey 2 for some reason, Sly Cooper, Jak HD, MLB 13, PSASBR, Jak Collection) as opposed to 3 non-cross platform games (LBP, Soul Sacrifice, and Smart As). They also chose to bundle the Vita with a game that is available on consoles with Walking dead. In terms of third party stuff, there is Ultimate Marvel, DOA 5, SFXTekken, Mortal Kombat, Borderlands 2(being published by Sony though I believe), Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Dragons Crown, and so on. How much of this is due to Sony is beyond me.
Meanwhile, how many cross platform games have Nintendo published? Let's see... Well there was Donkey Kong Country, so that's one. Then there is Starfox 64, and OOT 3D. So, that's 3 games ported from consoles in the 3DS's lifespan from Nintendo. In the past year, there was one. Meanwhile, in the last year, Nintendo has published 11 titles that are 3DS only (Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Luigi, Layton, Art Academy, Sticker Star, Mario and Luigi, Brain Age, X Zone, Lego City Undercover, Mystery Dungeon, Freaky Forms, and Brain Age.) In terms of third party stuff, there is Rayman Origins, Monster Hunter Ultimate, Street Fighter 4, Metal Gear Solid, and a few others.
So, clearly, with Nintendo, bringing console games coming to the 3DS is the exception. On the Vita, most of Sony's retail support for the system comes in the form of cross platform titles. Nintendo's advertisement does not focus on console titles on the go at all (or even the whole "on the go" thing but that's neither here nor there). Vita's ads focus extensively on the ability to play console style. And that's not even really a bad thing. That's what Sony should be doing really, but they're just not doing it well.
In conclusion,
"Get console quality gaming with the Playstation Vita." "Play like you do at home."
Even Sony agrees with Moffitt.