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Albert Penello replay at GAF.

I was looking for a good animated gif of someone rubbing their forehead sadly. If anyone has one, please let me know so I can add it. Where do you guys find those things?!

Let me say a couple things.

First - this wasn't my understanding, and to keep the meme going, I'm going to walk over to the engineers and ask them what's going on.

Second - I did say, very clearly and with no double-talk, that when you hear or read externally us say "localization related", it means voice, text, and other testing and certification related to Live and the Marketplace. That's honestly about as clear as you could be.

Third - it's also possible that I can be wrong sometimes.

I will find out the truth, and get back to you. If this turns out to be correct (which I don't think it is), then you absolutely have my apologies if anyone was mislead.