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Its in my opinion the best and most complete MMO out in the market. It unites GuildWars 2's events with SWTOR like story driven main quest and guild quests (though not everything is voiced) with WoW classic questing system and wildstars telegraphs before the game even comes out while giving it its own Final Fantasy spin, never having a shortage of things to do.
I am looking forward at seeing how end-game will turn out.

I can see a downside, wich is the game might feel s bit slower than other MMO's but while playing the game you see that it has more things going on than usual MMO's have in the combat. For example lancer has to strike from the side to get a short damage buff and the from behind to deal great damage while lining up their combos. Abilities are all off the global cooldown but spells and weapon skills are in a 2.5 GCD timer, wich is the only thing im not super happy about the game, but i came to get used to it. As you get more skills it seems to become less of an issue.